Common Thread

Soon it will be September, National Quilting and Sewing Month, so I’ve been spending a lot of time thinking about why, exactly, I love sewing so much. I imagine a lot of it comes from the connection it gives me to my heritage. I come from a proud line of quilters. This summer, I had the delight of seeing both of my great-great-grandmothers’ sewing machines. This took my breath away:

great great grandma's singer

It fills me with a sense of wonder and pride to know that I come from a long line of creative women.  My grandmothers and great-grandmothers pieced together a beautiful and lasting legacy. great grandma's quilt

We still have a few of their pieces in the family, a vibrant and tangible testament to their thrift and talent. The utilitarian quilt above was made mostly from flour sacks, and was entirely hand-stitched.


When I sit down at my own digital sewing machine (with self-threading needle, automatic thread cutter, and dozens of stitch options) I think about how much has changed…


And how little. In celebration of National Quilting and Sewing Month, I’m working on a small hand-embroidered piece that combines my two great loves: sewing and hand lettering. Check back at the end of the month to see the (hopefully) completed project!

hand embroidered hand lettering

Does creativity run in your family, too?  How will you celebrate National Quilting and Sewing Month?

2 thoughts on “Common Thread

  1. I couldn’t resist commenting. Exceptionally well written!

  2. Fabiola says

    Thanks a bunch for posting!

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